Course curriculum

  • 1

    Resource Library

    • Course Discussion Forum - Introduction to Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings

    • Did You Know? Levels of Shop Drawings

    • Introduction to Shop Drawings

    • Glazing Pockets and Pocket Setting Glass

  • 2

    Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings 101

    • Introduction to Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings - Video Introduction

    • What are Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings?

    • What are Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings? PDF

    • What are Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings? (Cont.)

    • What Components Make Up Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings?

    • What Components Make Up Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings? (Cont.)

    • Who Uses Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings?

    • What Information and Materials are Required to Create Shop Drawings?

    • Course Quiz

Course Resource Library

This course contains additional resources and extras to give you the latest edge in the glazing industry.

  • Course Discussion Forum - Introduction to Glass & Glazing Shop Drawings
  • Did You Know? Levels of Shop Drawings
  • Introduction to Shop Drawings
  • Glazing Pockets and Pocket Setting Glass
Access the Library